速報APP / 生產應用 / Kuwait Indian School

Kuwait Indian School



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Kuwait Indian School(圖1)-速報App

Kuwait Indian School was established on 14 November 1985 by Late Mr. Ibrahim Al-Qutaimi who was the Founder and Chairman of the school. The school at first was launched in Farwaniya as a Primary School.

Inspite of the massive destruction of the school property during the invasion, our school did not wind up. Soon after the invasion the school opened its door to restart it immediately. It was then handled personally by Mr. Ibrahim himself, with the co-operation of Mrs. Kalyani Mukherjee as the Principal and Mrs. Irene Menezes as the Administrative Manager.

After the sad demise of Mr. Ibrahim in 2002, the school was transferred to Mrs. Hind Al-Qutaimi as the Chairperson Administrator and Miss Heyam Al-Qutaimi as the Personal Manager and Authorized Signatory.

Providing the most accurate and up to date information at parents’ fingertips, KIS’ custom-tailored app let you stay connected with the school’s latest news and events.


• Free to download and easy to use

• View school circulars & notices

Kuwait Indian School(圖2)-速報App

• Receive notifications and schedule of upcoming exams

• Facebook page showcasing school culture

• Academic Calendar that lists important dates, holidays, first and last days of classes

• View your profile and manage your child’s academic information

• Due date reminders to plan for the fee payment

Contact Us

• Phone Number - +965 24346399

Kuwait Indian School(圖3)-速報App

• Email – kuwaitindianschool@gmail.com

• Website - http://kiskuwait.com/

Kuwait Indian School(圖4)-速報App
